Monday, April 18, 2016

National Poultry Expo 2016 Indonesia

This is the first time to visit National Poultry Expo 2016, I see many types of chicken which was only can be watched on YouTube, but now I see in front of me the real Brama Chicken! It's so huge! and Cute! This chicken is so chubby, I love it. In this event, we can see the "Sound of Peloong" competition from "Pelung Rooster". and also, we have Europe and the unique type of chicken, either Local Indonesia's chicken or foreign chickens.

Untuk pertama kalinya gue ngunjungi Pameran Unggas Nasional ditahun 2016 ini. Disini gue ngeliat banyak banget jenis jenis klan dari ayam yang tadinya cuma bisa dilihat di YouTube, tapi sekarang benar benar langsung lihat didepan mata apakah itu Ayam Brama! Gede banget! dan Lucu abis! jalannya geboy begitu. hehehehe Selain Kompetisi Suara dari ayam ketawa, disini juga ada pameran pameran ayam dari mancanegara maupun lokal, dengan keunikannya masing masing, yang dibawakan oleh para peternak dari Cikampek - Kerawang [Abah Farm], atau yang dari tanggerang [Trah Pamulang] dan yang lainnya, memberikan nuasa expo ini menjadi semakin lengkap dengan keunikkan ayam ayam yang diperlihatkan pada acara pameran ini.

Melihat ayam ayam yang lucu dan menarik tersebut, kami tertarik untuk memoto beberapa shoot untuk ayam ayam tertentu yang rasanya unik dan perlu juga untuk kita ketahui.
Ayam Brama adalah ayam Eropa yang unik dan menawan, warna bulunya sangat indah. Tubuhnya yang besar membuat bobot berat badan ayam ini tergolong diatas rata rata berbanding dengan ayam yang ada di lokal. [kec. Ayam Broiler yang besar dan tua].

Mari coba kita lihat sedikit aktivitas yang ada diTMII tersebut:

Compare to western chicken breeding, click here.

Ayam Pelung

Pelung chicken is one of livestock genetic resources in Indonesia, which has been playing an important role for years in the villagers in West Java Province. Pelung chicken originally came from Cianjur district in West Java area. It has been raised as a singing cockerel with a long crowing. This singing ability of the cockerel has become the main criteria for Pelung chicken regular competition in Cianjur. A serious attention on Pelung chicken can maintain the existence of Pelung chicken. The specific character of Pelung chicken compared to other native chicken in Indonesia is the large size of its body. This character could be used to improve the growth rate up to 20% bodyweight and the feed utilization efficiency up to 10% when crossbred with Kampung chicken. The economic value of Pelung chicken is not only its beautiful voice but also as a source of local chicken meat. Further research on any genetic potential of Pelung chicken is strongly suggested.

Ayam Pelung Competition:

Brama Chicken

Often referred to as the “King of All Poultry”, the Brama chicken is appreciated for its great size, strength, and vigor. By 1901 some individual birds were documented to have reached the incredible weights of 13-14 pounds for hens and 17 to 18.25 pounds for cocks – though 10 pound hens and 12 pounds cocks were the rule. This breed, together with the Cochin, fueled what became known as “Hen Fever” – a national obsession for poultry that hit both America and England around 1850.

Bramas are large chickens with feathers on shanks and toes, pea comb, smooth fitting plumage with dense down in all sections, and broad, wide head with skull projecting over the eyes – termed “beetle brow.” They come in three color varieties – the Light, the Dark, and the Buff. Both the Light and the Dark Brama were accepted to the American Standard of Perfection in its first printing in 1874. Though from the beginning some buff specimens were produced periodically, it was not until 1924 that the Buff Brama was accepted as standardized as well.

Origin of Brama Chicken has been considerable controversy over the origin of the Brama. It appears to have developed in the United States from very large birds imported from the Chinese port of Shanghai, which were thus known as "Shanghai" birds. It is likely that limited cross-breeding with Chittigong chickens from what is now called Bangladesh gave the Brama the distinctive characteristics of head shape and the pea comb that distinguish it from the Cochin, another breed that derives from the "Shanghai" birds.

Ayam Ketawa "Laughing Chicken"

Ayam Ketawa or "laughing chicken" is a breed of chicken originating from the area of Sidenreng Rappang in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is one of several breeds of long-crowing chicken prized for the clarity and unusual length of their crows. The crow of Ayam Ketawa cocks has an unusual similarity to a human laugh. The breed was originally held as a status symbol of the Buginese royal family, but has entered into higher popularity in recent times since the fall of the monarchy. Today it is still seen as a symbol of courage, social status and heroism and they compete in contests for the most perfect crow, for the Governor of Sulawesi Cup.